
Who we are

Hydra was created specifically to work with smooth and efficient solutions in targeted areas of dehumidification, rehabilitation and waterproofing. These areas are now dominated by large groups that offer endless product ranges tending more and more to the offer of "all-inclusive".

What we offer

Hydra offers sanitation systems at low thickness, specific for all those case studies where the intervention indiscriminate demolition of underlying funds still solid and cohesive, it is unseemly and highly invasive.


The presence and distribution of moisture in buildings constitutes a set of problems, inconvenience and damage that range across the contemporary builders in various aspects of restoration and conservation. Conditions, the nature, the morphology of the structures and native elements, constitute the set of variables in place in the event of specific issues.

Innovative solutions for all Products effective and easy to apply Advice and assistance complete

Hydra offers sanitation systems at low thickness, specific for all those case studies where the intervention indiscriminate demolition of underlying funds still solid and cohesive, it is unseemly and highly invasive.


Hegea Levelling Range

Hegea – Curing range of products. Where too expensive and invasive solution seem the only response, the utilize of the dehumidifying and waterproofing Hegea set, mix the usefulness of the treatments with the handiness of the non invasive action. This possibility and convenience to act where the we can recuperate the surfaces and also in others where materials (piling, reinforced concrete, precast) usually considered unworkable, the Hegea range of products allows exceptionally able and adaptable for waterproofing and curing.


Technical Support

In order to help the users to find support products for the Hegea cycles, Hidra offers a range of mortars and accessories for a suitable technical support compatible with all the Hegea items. These products can be supplied also in small quantities in order to work for any needs with the quantities necessary for each application of Hegea products.


Hidra Edge

Ever close to the requirements of the market and to the needs of handiness and features of the insiders, Hidra offers frames and edges for exterior, sand resin – coated, of easy laying and long duration. These items are codified in varied types and sizes, furthermore it’s possible to study and produce models under request. So, the technical offices and dealers can find in our catalogue the suitable under – drip frames or edges for the stringcourses and windows, or can customise a model without any additional cost.


Hidra Edge Plus

Hidra , sempre pronta e attenta alle novità di mercato, dal 2022 mette a disposizione della nostra gamma Edge (modenature e profili architettonici in polistirene espanso sinterizzato (E.P.S), una nuova finitura interamente prodotta nei propri stabilimenti.

Il rivestimento PLUS si ottiene mediante la miscelazione di resine acriliche, di sabbie silicee, agenti antimuffa, mantenitore di viscosità in dispersione acquosa.

Il risultato è un perfetto binomio tra resistenza ed elasticità con quel tocco di eleganza data dal colore chiaro.

Il prodotto una volta applicato deve essere al più presto sovra verniciato con la finitura, pitture o rivestimenti murali elastomerici aventi come leganti resine acriliche in dispersione acquosa

Come per tutti i prodotti della gamma Edge è possibile realizzare qualsiasi profilo su misura come marcapiani , sottogronde, bugne, realizzazioni particolari, colonne, capitelli, banchine per esterno in alta densità

Abbiamo però creato, per facilitare la scelta, un pannello espositivo e un listino dedicato

Consultali richiedili ai punti vendita o contatta i nostri uffici per ulteriori dettagli


Hidra Floor Waterproofing

<p style="text-align: justify;">Hidra decided to enter the world of waterproofing too. And specifically, this was done by creating a treatment for waterproofing terraces and floors.&nbsp;Hidra Floor Fondo and Hidra Floor Finitura are grey, inorganic, one-pack, powdered levelling plasters with a Portland Cement 52.5 R CEM I and silica sand base for waterproofing terraces and floors.</p> More...

Hegea Paint-Water-Based Wall paint

Quartz powder water-based paint that is highly resistant to mould, lichens and algae. The use of special additives makes Hegea® Paint highly breathable and water repellent while maintaining a very low water absorption coefficient. More...

Hidra fireproof intonaco alleggerito

Uno dei parametri fondamentali da prendere in considerazione quando si analizzano le caratteristiche di un edificio è il livello di isolamento termico, ovvero, la sua capacità di mantenere costante la temperatura interna, limitando gli scambi termici con More...


Humidity resolved

Why and Solution

The damp and the moisture in the masonries constitutes a chain of problems, inconveniences and damages in the housing for repairs and maintenance.


Damp ascending

The damp ascending is one of the most common categories. Usually the effects of the natural evaporation are rings, damp areas and black mold.


Basements with damp

Infiltration in structures for storage (e.g.: swimming pools) and in basement (e.g.: cellars). For both cases, settlements, cracks and the utilize of inappropriate materials are the motive of infiltrations.


Retaining waterproofing cycle

Masonries at a direct contact with soil or water, need an appropriate waterproofing, in order to protect the structures against infiltrations. Also the walls exposed to air pollution and saltiness, for ex. Buildings next to a littoral zone, are subject to
