Technical Support

In the way to facilitate its users to find the support to the Hegea cicles, Hidra offers a wide range of mortars and technical support accessories, entirely well-suited with all the Hegea range. Also supplied in small quantities, the insiders can operate with the suitable products for any need during the application of the product.


Malta da rinzaffo e ripristini minerale a base di cemento calce ed inerti selezionati.

Packages: 5Kg | 25Kg

mineral mortar for render and (vertical) restoration, with a base of cement, lime and selected inerts. Packaging 25kgs. Ready – mixed compound, constituted by hydraulic fluids, inerts, particular additives and fibre. Hidra® Rin is mortar with additives, in order to bond the plasters, lime – cement to old walls not so homogenous, in mixed masonry, bricks, stonework or finished concrete generally porous


Malta tixotropica antiritiro fibrorinforzata per il ripristino del calcestruzzo.

Packages: 5Kg | 25Kg

fibre reinforced rheoplastic mortar shrink – proof, for vertical restores in piling, reinforced concrete and plasters. Packaging 25 kgs. Made up of cements and industrial sands, particle size max 1,2 mm. with polyamide fibres. Binding mixture ready to use. Its application is at very high adherence, of long duration, mechanical and chemical attack resistance and shrink – proof.

Quick Rip

Malta tixotropica antiritiro fibrorinforzata a presa rapida per il ripristino verticale del calcestruzzo, cemento armato ed intonaci a base cemento.

Packages: 5Kg | 25Kg

Quick fibre reinforced rheoplastic mortar shrink – proof, for vertical restores in piling, reinforced concrete and plasters. Packaging 25 kgs. Made up of cements and industrial sands, particle size max 1,2 mm. with polyamide fibres. Binding mixture ready to use. Its application is at very high adherence, of long duration, mechanical and chemical attack resistance and shrink – proof.


Malta deumidificante a spessore per ripristini verticali e risanamento di murature umide.

Packages: 5Kg | 25Kg

dehumidifying thickness mortar for interior – exterior. Packaging 25 kgs. Dehumidifying plaster for vertical restores, suitable to the renewal of damp masonry. Premixed moisture containing cements and industrial selected sands, particle size max 1,2 mm. and specific additives. Perfectly workable plaster, well adherent, long duration and shrink – proof.


Rasatura minerale bianca, per interno - esterno.

Packages: 5Kg | 25Kg

White mineral levelling plaster, for interior – exterior. Packaging 25 kgs. Levelling powdered plaster, containing selected inerts, air and hydraulic binders and specific additives. Easy to apply by slice, good filler, suitable for the roughing in of Hidra® San, for interior and exterior, well versed, easy to use and recover. Thickness max 3 - 4 mm. Needs several applications.


Malta tixotropica antiritiro per ripristini verticali operante sia ad elevati spessori sia per rasature tipo civile di alcuni millimetri.

Packages: 5Kg | 25Kg

grey cement for levelling, for interior/exterior, suitable for civil finishing. It’s composed by selected inerts, 0.6mm coarseness, aerial and hydraulic binder materials, additives and fibres, it’s a suitable cement based product for levelling and plastering, for aged, recent and old buildings (not pulverized). It allows civil finishing.


Rasatura cementizia di colore grigio, per esterno - interno, a finitura civile.

Packages: 5Kg | 25Kg

grey cement for levelling, for interior/exterior, suitable for civil finishing. It’s composed by selected inerts, 0.6mm coarseness, aerial and hydraulic binder materials, additives and fibres, it’s a suitable cement based product for levelling and plastering, for aged, recent and old buildings (not pulverized). It allows civil finishing.


Rasante cementizio bianco a finitura estremamente liscia, per calcestruzzo, ed intonaci cementizi stagionati.

Packages: 5Kg | 20Kg

grey cement for levelling, for interior/exterior, suitable for civil finishing. It’s composed by selected inerts, 0.6mm coarseness, aerial and hydraulic binder materials, additives and fibres, it’s a suitable cement based product for levelling and plastering, for aged, recent and old buildings (not pulverized). It allows civil finishing.


Adesivo - rasante grigio per pannelli isolanti e cicli armati di termocappotto.

Packages: 5Kg | 25Kg

Adhesive levelling plaster for insulating panels and thermocoat reinforced cycles. Packaging 25 kgs. It has excellent adhesive characteristics and high resistance against frozen.

Coll Bianco

Adesivo - rasante grigio per pannelli isolanti e cicli armati di termocappotto.

Packages: 5Kg | 25Kg

Adhesive levelling plaster for insulating panels and thermocoat reinforced cycles. Packaging 25 kgs. It has excellent adhesive characteristics and high resistance against frozen.

Bi Flex

Malta bicomponente cementizia, elastica ed impermeabilizzante per interni ed esterni.

Packages: Hidra® Flex (comp.A + comp.B) Formato 25Kg + 8,33Lt

Hidra® Flex (comp.A) (comp.B): cement based bi-component mortar, pliant and waterproofing for interior and exterior. High workability and adhesion, it allows the waterproofing for basins and liquid-containers. It’s composed by cements, emulsions and inerts and added with fibres of polypropylene which allow the restoration and the waterproofing of carped substratum before the planking (it’s possible to insert fibre net)

Mono Flex

Guaina cementizia polimerica impermeabilizzante, monocomponente dotata di ottima elasticità per interni ed esterni.

Packages: 5Kg | 25Kg

Hidra® Flex (comp.A) (comp.B): cement based bi-component mortar, pliant and waterproofing for interior and exterior. High workability and adhesion, it allows the waterproofing for basins and liquid-containers. It’s composed by cements, emulsions and inerts and added with fibres of polypropylene which allow the restoration and the waterproofing of carped substratum before the planking (it’s possible to insert fibre net)


Passivante antiruggine per ferri di armatura e promotore di adesione per malta da ripristino.

Packages: 5Kg | 1Kg

Hidra® Grip: passivating and rust – proof product for banding fixture and restore mortar adhesion. Packaging 5kgs. Powdered product containing modified cements, selected inerts, alkali - proof polymeric binders, and specific additives. Special to allow a perfect passivating action on banding fixtures and a good adhesion of the mortar on the finished concrete.

San Primer

Packages: 5lt

Hidra® San Primer: soaking product, constituted by a mixing of silicate and silicone products, suitable to the bloom and the damp ascending obstructing, when using a standard Hidra® San waterproofing cycle


Fissativo base silossanica ad elevata penetrazione e traspirazione, non filmogeno.

Packages: 5lt

Hidra® Silofix: fixative acrylic-silicone product, containing particular acrylic resins and polymerized siloxanes materials, not binding, with extremely fine particles, created in order to obtain a high adhesion on finished concrete and external plasters, also pulverized, giving the restoration to the surfaces also at low levels.

Rete termocappotto (net for thermocoat)

Rete per cicli di termocappotto e rasature armate, con bande guida laterali per sormonti.

Packages: 50mt

Hidra® Rete termocappotto (net for thermocoat): Net for thermocoat cycles and reinforced levelling works, provided by lateral guide bands for surmount. 150gr/ m², 50mts rolls. Useable for reinforced cycles of thermocoat with Hidra® Coll in the heat insulation, for reinforced levelling applications with Hegea® cycle, to improve fussy areas, cracks, corners and incoherent bottom walls.