Depending from the kind of setting, it’s necessari to employ differentiated Hegea treatments.
Curing by dehumidification of the masonries that, cause to the absorption of water from the ground, show damp ascending, decay, erosion on the surface and mold.
Positive waterproofing for buildings like basins, swimming pools, flower boxes and containers for water or soil, presenting localized or widespread infiltrations, cause cracks, slits or non proper materials.
Negative waterproofing in counter ground buildings like chutes or dike walls, and in underground structures like basement or cellars, showing localized or expanded water damages from the back. Negative waterproofing: counter ground infiltration, subjected to pressure from the back.
The peculiarity of the Hegea cycles, is the handiness of their application: plasterworks, aged surfaces, rows, well cohesive and with roughened reinforced concrete, all these surfaces can be well apt. Hegea range of products, thanks to its assortment of thicknesses allows to act in any kind of area having a good cohesion and steadiness of the underlying structures. The preparation of the supports deal with four points:
it’s necessary to act on the row surface, so it’s essential to remove painting, plastering and levelling through mechanical scratch or sandblast. On the reinforced concrete, it’s requested to roughen it by mechanical device the areas too smooth.
remove the damp and efflorescence from the incoherent surfaces and too weak areas till reach the surface fit for the action.
restore areas which have not a good cohesion level, using mortars with concrete or fibre. Wait for the complete seasoning.
hose down the areas before each application